2015 Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition
Staff Sgt. Andrew Fink (first place winner, noncommissioned officer category), 409th Area Support Medical Company, a native of Cook, Minn., and Spc. Bryce Parker (first place winner, Soldier category), from Marana, Ariz., with the 492nd Civil Affairs Battalion, stand with Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Talley (left), chief of U.S. Army Reserve, and Command Sgt. Maj. Luther Thomas, command sergeant major of the U.S. Army Reserve, at the awards ceremony for the 2015 U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition at Fort Bragg, N.C., May 7. Both Soldiers received the Army Commendation Medal for their achievement. This year's top winners will represent the Army Reserve in the Department of the Army Best Warrior Competition at Fort Lee, Va. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Michel Sauret)