The World-wide Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches is directed by Army Regulation 140-1. The Army Reserve Marksmanship Unit directs the conduct of the OCAR Postal Match Program.


Rulebook, Course of Fire book, Postal Matches, Event Template, instructions, targets



The Army Reserve conducts match programs at all levels that emphasize and encourage all types of competition with as many courses and weapons systems as practicable. The goal is improvement of combat skills and individual proficiency to increase lethality and combat readiness. Our goal is the development of marksmen and instructors who may be used to instruct and supervise weapons training and marksmanship activities within all U.S. Army Reserve units and commands. The Rulebook covers conduct of competitive training events throughout the U.S. Army Reserve to satisfy these Regulation-directed requirements. 

Course of Fire Book 

The Course of Fire Book covers all common courses of fire used throughout the Army Reserve. This includes all current Postal Matches and targets.

Event Program template 

A Microsoft Word template based on the Rulebook for directing your event particulars.

Postal Match Program Details
Current World-wide Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches includes:

  • Margaret Thompson Murdock Postal Match
  • William James Sutton Postal Match    
  • Harry James Mott III Postal Match
  • Table VI Qualification Postal Match
  • Horace Waymon Bivins Postal Match    
  • Cold Steel Challenge: Ground Machine Gun Postal Match    
  • Table II PLFS Informal Postal Match