Just like active Army NCO Academy Instructors, Army Reserve Instructors lead Soldiers in Military Occupational Specialty Reclassification training and Professional Military Education training (Advanced and Senior Leader Courses). They serve as advisors, instructors, and evaluators at nine training locations in 21 different MOS fields.
Instructors hold one of the most important tasks in the Army: training the Soldiers who will serve as defenders of our country and future leaders in our Army. As both an Instructor and a member of the Army Reserve, you will serve one weekend a month and as little as 15 days per year on the podium. As an Instructor, you will be a trainer, mentor, professional, and leader while helping mold today’s Army to win decisively on the modern battlefield.
- 6 different BDEs that teach MOS reclassification, Advanced Leader, and Senior Leader courses:
- 1st BDE (Engineer Courses; 12K, 12R, 12W, 12N, 12H, 12B, 12C)
- 2d BDE (Military Police Courses; 31B, 31E)
- 3d BDE (Chemical Corps Course; 74D)
- 4th BDE (Military Intelligence Courses; 35F, 35G, 35L, 35M)
- 5th BDE (Signal Corps Courses; 25B, 25H, 25S, 25U)
- 6th BDE (Civil Affairs/Psychological Operations Courses; 37F, 38B)
- Bonus’ up to 20k
- Drilling locations across the 48 Continental United States
- Training locations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kentucky, Arizona, and California.
- Low-Cost TRICARE Reserve Select
- Education and Tuition Assistance
- Opportunity for additional duty periods and full-time instructor (ADOS) positions available.
- Promotion opportunities
- Pay Grade E5 through E8
- Meet physical fitness standards
- Meet height and weight standards
- Must have a minimum of a favorable background investigation (NACLC/T3)
- High school diploma or GED
- Good communication skills
- Display professional military bearing and good conduct
Potential instructors need to complete CFD-IC, which is a 10-day (80 hour) course that is taught at many locations across the country.
Email or call (804) 709-9306 to contact the 102d Training Division about Instructor opportunities near you!