ACFT 3.0 is the next adaptation of the Army Combat Fitness Test and incorporates lessons from ACFT 2.0. This development:
- Adds a scoring range for the Plank as a core-strength assessment event;
- Maintains the gender-neutral baseline while exploring the potential of a performance program that can account for inherent gender physiological differences and more fairly allow the use of the ACFT for evaluations, promotions, etc.
The Army will continue with the current policy of no administrative actions for or against a Soldier based on the ACFT. No adverse administrative actions will be taken against a Soldier for failing the ACFT. Personnel records and evaluations will not contain an ACFT score. The ACFT will not be used administratively for order of merit lists or considered for promotion boards. These limits on ACFT use will remain in place until Army Senior Leaders are confident the test and policies achieve the goals needed to support Multi-Domain Operations and the requirements of the future operational environment.
What are the current and past efforts of the Army?
Evolution and adaptability are the cornerstones of the Army.
- The Army transitioned the 40-year-old Army Physical Fitness Test through improved understanding of exercise science and physical training, to the Army Combat Fitness Test (ver 1.0) in October 2019.
- ACFT 2.0 became the Army’s Physical Readiness Test of Record in October 2020.
- Building on the lessons from the ACFT 2.0, the Army will incorporate modifications into the next iteration known as ACFT 3.0 starting April 1, 2021.
What continued efforts does the Army have planned?
The Army will continue to evolve its culture of fitness through the ACFT, a part of the Holistic Health and Fitness System, to generate and maintain healthy, deployable Soldiers who are physically ready and mentally strong.
The ACFT is part of a comprehensive physical fitness program that will help reduce injuries and empower Soldiers’ abilities to perform basic Soldier tasks on an age and gender-neutral battlefield.
Policy decisions on the full implementation of the ACFT will only occur only when sufficient data exists for Army Leaders to make data driven, informed decisions. The Army believes that this could occur as early as March 2022.
Why is this important to the Army?
Soldiers’ Individual Readiness is fundamental to Army Readiness. The ACFT is part of a balanced and appropriate physical training program that will reduce injuries and unplanned attrition. The ACFT is expected to significantly enhance readiness through better physical fitness training that prepares Soldiers demands required of them in combat.
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