The Army Reserve's top general concluded his tour, relinquishing his responsibilities during a ceremony, officiated by Chief of Staff of the Army, Gen. James C. McConville, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, June 30, 2020.
McConville called Luckey a trusted adviser to the Chairman the Joint Chiefs and to the Chief of Staff of the Army, and a trusted leader … from infantry platoon leader to commanding general of 200,000 of our Nation's finest men and women.
Lt. Gen. Charles D. Luckey served as the chief of the Army Reserve and commanding general of Army Reserve Command for the past four years and will retire after over 43 years of service to the Nation.
“He has loved the Army his whole life,” said McConville. “He has made this evident throughout an amazing 43 – I say again – 43 year career, during which he has repeatedly proven to be the right person, in the right place at the right time.”
Luckey said it was the honor of a lifetime to serve as the Quarterback of the team.
"I'm phenomenally proud of this Squad. Your energy, discipline and focus sparked the imagination of the American people,” said Luckey. “We have in fact, saved lives, and we have lifted the spirit of an entire Nation in a time of great need. This was a team effort and each one of did your part.”
With over 200,000 Soldiers and Civilian employees spread across 20 time zones, Luckey said that Army Reserve Soldiers have a unique ability and opportunity – and therefore, a responsibility – to model for our fellow citizens what right looks like.
“You are a part of the most respected institution in the United States of America,” said Luckey. “You should be proud of that, and you should earn it every day.”
McConville had these departing words for Luckey.
“So Chip, on behalf the United States Army, I want to thank you for a lifetime of service,” said McConville. “You have a well-earned retirement, and good luck and Godspeed on your next rendezvous with destiny.”