Reserve medical service members throughout the Atlanta area, are currently engaged in COVID-19 support across the nation. Over fifty U.S. Army Reserve and U.S. Air Force Reserve medical personnel from Georgia departed from Gillem Enclave and Dobbins Air Reserve base, joining the effort to combat COVID-19 in New York City and New Jersey.
These Servicemembers are part of U.S. Northern Command, in support of FEMA, providing rapid response support capabilities and regardless of the color of the uniform, the motto of, “One Team One Fight” truly applies to this whole-of-government response.
“Our primary mission is to restore peace in times of chaos and this is no different. Just as the Army has done since 1775, we will lead the way with premiere medical support,” said, Maj. Gen. Joe Robinson, Commanding General, 3D Medical Command (Deployment Support), based out of Gillem Enclave.
For both the Reserve Soldiers and Airmen, time was of the essence and getting out the door to support their fellow citizens, was the priority.
“It took a huge effort to put this all together, not only from our medical personnel, but also from our aircrews, maintenance, logistics and many others” said Col. Craig McPike, 94th Airlift Wing commander. “The response I’ve seen is amazing. Service before self, happening right before my eyes.”
The Airmen had only a few hours notification to begin travel to Dobbins ARB for the flight to New York.
“It’s important to get our Reservists out the door quickly to help combat the spread of COVID-19 and take care of Americans,” said Brig. Gen. Stacey Scarisbrick, Air Force Reserve Command Force Generation Center commander.
Members of the 94th AW C-130H not only flew local Airmen, but also made stops at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, Patrick AFB, Florida, and Charleston AFB, South Carolina to pick up more Reserve Citizen Airmen to join the fight.
We’re here to take care of Americans, our Airmen and their loved ones, while we continue to maintain mission readiness and sustain vital operations here at Dobbins, said McPike.
Specifically created to respond to crisis, Army Reservists from 3D MC(DS) are part of an Urban Augmentation Medical Task Force (UAMTF). UAMTFs are 85 Soldier teams with medial capabilities to support up to 250 low-acuity patients.
For the Army Reserve Soldiers, mobilizing Soldiers from across the region, in only a matter of days, and going from home station to areas of support, the units rapidly focused on organization and preparation. “As Army Reserve Soldiers, we work and practice every day in our communities. We are proud to do our part to support fellow citizens. This fight required an immediate response and as Soldiers, we are trained and ready to deploy anywhere at any time,” said a group of mobilized Soldier as they departed from Gillem, Enclave, Georgia.
Currently mobilized across New York City, These health care professionals are equipped with first-rate training, equipment and technology in order to deal with emergent health issues, are trained to provide routine and emergency medical support. This support expands the medical community’s ability to tend to all patients, to include COVID-19 positive patients.
“Our world-class doctors, nurses, medics are at the forefront of this mission and we are proud to support the whole-of-nation response to the coronavirus. What the Soldiers of the 3D MC(DS) are embarking on, has never been done in the history of Army Reserve medicine,” said Robinson.
1st Lt. Alan Abernethy, 94th Air Wing, US Air Force Reserve, contributed to this story.