Army Reserve leader celebrates Army’s 249th birthday in heart of Big Apple
Maj. Gen. Kris A. Belanger, commanding general of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 99th Readiness Division, served as guest speaker for the U.S. Army’s 249th birthday celebration June 14 in Times Square in New York City. Joining Belanger as guest speakers were James Hendon, commissioner of the New York City Department of Veterans’ Services, and Lt. Col. John “Rocky” Rhodes, commander of the NYC Recruiting Battalion. The event was highlighted by Belanger administering the Oath of Enlistment to new Army recruits and presenting a U.S. Army Minuteman scholarship along with Ronald “Ron” Shindel, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for New York. (U.S. Army photo by Mr. Shawn Morris, 99th RD Public Affairs)

Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris |  VIRIN: 240614-A-VX676-1020.JPG