Reserve CST Leads Multi-National CBRN Demonstration
U.S. Army Reserve Cpt. Sean Homburger, the operations officer for the 773rd Civil Support Team, 7th Mission Support Command, and officer in charge, raises the roof of the tactical operations center during a CBRN demonstration at the Port of Agadir, Jun. 9, 2023, part of Exercise African Lion. “Our role in this exercise was to conduct blocks of instruction on CBRN topics and then integrate our Soldiers with the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces Salvage and Rescue Unit,” said Homburger. “We conducted scenario-based training, increasing interoperability between our nations during hazard responses.” The 773rd is a technical HAZMAT reaction team, the only one of its kind in the U.S. Army Europe - Africa theater. Exercises such as African Lion provide opportunities for this specialized Army Reserve unit to assess, develop, and train alongside Allies and partners, getting the repetitions needed to fight and win together, on the modern-day battlefield, and illustrates the vital role America’s Army Reserve fills in unilateral military operations around the globe. 18 nations and approximately 8,000 personnel will participate in African Lion 2023, U.S. Africa Command's largest annual combined, joint exercise that will take place in multiple countries to include Morocco from May 13 - June 18, 2023.