7th MSC Prioritizes Safety
Mr. Sean Nichols, Command Safety Director for the 7th Mission Support Command conducts an initial safety inspection of the unit arms room with Staff Sgt. Nate Foster, the Unit Facility Coorinator for the 7th MSC, Aug. 31, 2023, at Daenner Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany. These inspections ensure the unit is compliant with U.S. Army Europe - Africa's regulatory requirements for arms room licensing. The 7th MSC prioritizes safety through a variety of methods including proper risk assessments, leader-lead engagements, routine inspections and safety training. The safety of Soldiers is paramount to successfully completing missions. The 7th MSC is America's Army Reserve presence in Europe, comprised of 26 units across Germany and Italy. For more stories and information about the 7th MSC, follow us on Facebook @7thmsc. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sgt. Jessica Forester.)