Community member gets relief from year-long knee pain
U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col. Ali Turabi, an anesthesiologist, 338th Medical Brigade performs a joint aspiration on a community member, Carl Rozanski, during Guam Wellness Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) to alleviate knee pain, 05 Aug. Rozanski had immediate pain relief and was very appreciative. IRT is a collaborative program that leverages military contributions and community resources to multiply value and cost savings for participants. Guam Wellness IRT is a collaborative partnership with the Department of Public Health and Social Services to provide no cost healthcare services to include medical, dental, optometry, and immunizations to the communities of Guam Aug. 2-10, 2023. (U.S. Army Reserve Photo by Maj. Chelsea Kersten)

Photo by: Maj. Chelsea Kersten |  VIRIN: 230805-A-KM271-1002.JPG