7th MSC Passes the Colors in Change of Command
U.S. Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Wanda Williams, Brig. Gen. Ronald Ragin and Brig. Gen. Karen Monday-Gresham stand for the presentation of the 7th Mission Support Command’s unit colors during their change of command ceremony, Aug. 5, 2023, at Sembach Kaserne, Germany. Ragin, the commanding general of 7th MSC’s higher headquarters, the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, was a guest speaker at the ceremony where Williams relinquished command to Monday-Gresham. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sgt. Angela O’Hearn)

Photo by: Staff Sgt. Angela O’Hearn |  VIRIN: 230805-A-XX059-1004.JPG