63rd Change of Command
Army Reserve Maj. Gen. Tracy Smith, incoming commander, 63rd Readiness Division, hands the unit colors to Command Sgt. Maj. Eric Bethurem, the incoming command sergeant major for the 63rd RD at Shenandoah Plaza Parade Grounds in the NASA Research Park in Moffett Field, Mountain View, Calif., Aug. 5, 2023. The passing of the unit colors here, represents the trust in the new command in her senior enlisted advisor to lead the Soldiers of the 63 RD. Smith is taking command following the retirement of Maj. Gen. Miles Davis, the former commander of the 63rd RD. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sgt. Ian Valley, 345th Public Affairs Detachment)

Photo by: Sgt. Ian Valley |  VIRIN: 230805-A-WG301-6618.JPG