Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers Military Competition
Army Reserve 1st Lt. Jessica Romero, 416th Theater Engineer Command, right, Air Force Reserve Col. Elizabeth Blanchford, 953rd Reserve Support Squadron, center, and Army Reserve Sgt. Christine Won, 99th Readiness Division, complete an obstacle together during the Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers Military Competition near Helsinki, Finland, June 28, 2023. Reserve service members, representing Team USA, compete as teams of three during the CIOR MILCOMP. The competition is a three-day team competition consisting of 10 nations and 100 service members from NATO and Partnership for Peace, held this year in Finland and is open to all reserve components for both NCO and officer.

Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Jackson |  VIRIN: 230628-A-UM828-4088.JPG