Gen. James E. Rainey (left), commanding general, Army Futures Command, speaks with Maj. Gen. Martin F. Klein, commanding general, 75th Innovation Command, U.S. Army Reserve as they enter 75th IC headquarters Feb. 14, 2022, in Joint Reserve Base Ellington Field in Houston. The two generals outlined their commands’ respective vision and mission while discussing ways to synchronize their priorities to deliver the Army of 2030 and develop the Army 2040 that will dominate the land battlespace against any adversary. This and similar engagements among senior leaders helps ensure that the vision, mission and capabilities of the 75th IC align with those of AFC and U.S. Army Reserve Command. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. John L. Carkeet IV, 75th Innovation Command, U.S. Army Reserve)

Photo by: Staff Sgt. John Carkeet IV |  VIRIN: 220214-A-DB402-002.JPG