Human resources personnel receive IPPS-A training
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hamilton Human Resources staff, along with tenant units' Human resource personnel from the NYC Recruiting Battalion, NYC MEPS, and NYC AMEDD Recruiting Command, received Over the Shoulder Support (OTSS) from HQDA Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A) Training Representative Mr. Stacy Crawford, February 6-7, at the Garrison Education Center. (U.S. Army photo by Mark Getman) The purpose of the training was to provide training to HR personnel and familiarize them with the IPPS-A system as it pertains to the processing of military personnel actions for service members in the US Army, US Army Reserve and Army National Guard. IPPS-A is a new online human resources system that will modernize the Army's personnel transactions, support the Talent Management infrastructure, and make personnel transactions transparent. The new pay system can communicate with other supporting systems to make it easier for Soldiers to make changes from a cell phone. Soldiers will have 24-hour access to their personal information, as well as self-service capabilities. IPPS-A’s ability to combine personnel and pay functions (e.g., a promotion or call to Active Duty) will address current inefficiencies caused by complex interfaces among 30+ “stove-piped” HR systems.