Expert Field Medical Badge and Expert Soldier Badge,
The awards ceremony for the Expert Field Medical Badge and Expert Soldier Badge, recognized Soldiers who successfully completed tasks earning them the right to wear these badges. The Army Reserve hosted both events concurrently at Fort McCoy, WI, and kicked off the awards ceremony with Soldiers arriving via helicopter. The Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB) is a United States Army special skills badge first created on June 18, 1965. This badge is the non-combat equivalent of the Combat Medical Badge (CMB) and is awarded to U.S. military personnel who successfully complete a set of qualification tests, including both written and performance portions. The Expert Soldier Badge (ESB) is a special skills badge of the United States Army. It is similar in appearance to the Combat Action Badge. The ESB is awarded to Soldiers who have completed testing and do not serve in the Infantry, Special Forces, or Medical Branches. Photo by Tim Yao

Photo by: 2nd Lt. Timothy Yao |  VIRIN: 220513-A-KJ871-006.JPG