Resolute Castle 2022 Final Planning Conference
British Army Maj. Dave Wakelin, senior planning officer for 71 Engineer Regiment, Army Reserve Regiment of the Royal Engineers, speaks with Col. Chad Kirchner of the 416th Theater Engineer Command (TEC), after briefing participants at the Resolute Castle 2022 (RC22) final planning conference on the engineer regiment's participation in the exercise and efforts into developing the artillery firing points. The 416th TEC and U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Engineer (ODSENG) hosted the RC22 final planning conference, at the Parkhurst Army Reserve Facility in Darien Illinois, from Feb. 23-25, 2022. The exercise starts in Spring 2022 and engineer units will perform construction projects throughout countries of Greece, Poland, and Romania.