COVID-19 testing at CSTX
Staff Sgt. Jaqueline McCauley, a U.S. Army Reserve Soldier from the 7202nd Medical Support Unit reviews the COVID-19 vaccination card of Maj. Tyler Quillico of the 326th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment during in-processing for the Combat Support Training Exercise at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Aug. 9, 2021. The medical team estimated that they conducted over six-hundred COVID-19 screening tests as part of the CSTX in-processing procedure. The safety of all Soldiers participating throughout the exercise is a priority of the 78th Training Division that is in charge of this rotation of CSTX. (U.S. Army Reserve Photo by Staff Sgt. Brigitte Morgan)

Photo by: Staff Sgt. Brigitte Morgan |  VIRIN: 210809-A-BM911-0157.JPG