471st Engineer Company troop projects at Fort Hunter Liggett
The 471st Engineer Company out of Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico trains for an upcoming deployment with the 80th Training Command schoolhouse at Fort Hunter Liggett, California, June 11, 2021. Because the unit was lacking in needed training support and equipment in their home station, FHL agreed on short notice to train them, including the 45 12N (heavy equipment operator-construction engineer) Soldiers, in addition to the regular schoolhouse students. The 471st aided FHL in its modernization efforts by completing several troop projects, such as new steps at the Hacienda, 12 acres of bivouac/training area at Training Area 10, a concrete ramp, a sun shelter, and a new parking lot at the Equipment Concentration Site.

Photo by: Cynthia McIntyre |  VIRIN: 210611-O-AP697-953.JPG