WAREX prepares Army Reserve Soldiers for deployment
Staff Sgt. Santana Santiago treats a simulated casualty after a simulated attack during Warrior Exercise 86-21-02 on Fort McCoy, Wis., June 11, 2021. Santiago is assigned to 2nd Platoon, 702nd Engineer Company from Johnson City, Tenn., and is here for annual training. WAREX is a large-scale training exercise consisting of tactical training scenarios specifically designed to replicate real-world missions. WAREX 86-21-02 serves as a reinforcement of warrior tasks and skills and allows the unit to further build their teams. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Sgt. Juan F. Jimenez, 364th TPASE)

Photo by: Sgt. Juan F. Jimenez |  VIRIN: 210608-A-PX354-014.JPG