Army Reserve Soldiers conduct a Transfer of Authority ceremony at Fort Bliss, Texas, September 11, 2020. The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command’s 1st Battalion, 338 Regiment, assumed the CONUS Replacement Center mission, supporting as 5th Armored Brigade’s “Viper 9”, the ninth rotation serving in this mission. The 94th Training Division’s 8th Battalion, 108th Regiment bid farewell during the ceremony as “Viper 8” to close out their rotation. The CRC mission is to take care of Soldiers, DA Civilians and contractors that go through the mobilization process, individually, ahead of overseas deployments and assignments. This was the first unit assigned to the 85th USARSC to mobilize for this effort after receiving the mission from Army Reserve Command. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Master Sgt. Anthony L. Taylor)