Army Reserve lieutenant colonel reflects on being team member for two Army Ten-Miler titles
An plaque from 2007 is shown in a case Nov. 14, 2019, at Rumpel Fitness Center at Fort McCoy, Wis., featuring an Army Ten-Miler championship team. Nancy McCoy, an Army Reserve lieutenant colonel with the 353rd Civil Affairs Command of Staten Island, N.Y., and government civilian Equal Employment Opportunity specialist with the Army Reserve at Fort McCoy was part of two Army Ten-Miler championships for the post in 2019 and this one in 2007. The two titles are the only two Ten-Miler titles held at Fort McCoy, and McCoy is the only person to have been a part of both teams. McCoy is a resident of Tomah, Wis. (U.S. Army Photo by Scott T. Sturkol, Public Affairs Office, Fort McCoy, Wis.)