Army Rerserve at Interservice Championship
Members of the Army Reserve Marksmanship Program took first place among the reserve components and second place overall at the 2019 Interservice Pistol Championships. From left, Sgt. Nick Mower (200th MP Command, 2nd place in the .22 aggregate, 7th overall individual), Sgt. 1st Class Brenn Combs (108th Training Command), Maj. Thomas Bourne (80th TASS), Sgt. Maj. George Greene (58th Trans BN), Master Sgt. Kris Beerman (85th Training Command), Staff Sgt. John Rosene (HRC-IRR, 4th place .22 aggregate, 5th overall individual), Sgt. Chris Liming (85th Training Command), and Staff Sgt. Sandra Uptagrafft (108th Training Command).