Veterinarians Promote Livestock Health In Rural Djibouti
A Djiboutian community animal health worker and a local man read through a transboundary disease text book as part of an engagement with U.S. Soldiers from the 403rd Civil Affairs Battalion, Functional Specialty Cell’s (FxSP) Veterinary Team, deployed in support of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa, in Galafi, Djibouti, on Jan. 24, 2019. Soldiers with the FxSP Veterinary Team engages local pastoralists in austere locations to promote better herd health management and facilitate communication for further engagements during a Veterinary Civic Action Project (VETCAP). The purpose of Civil Affairs VETCAPs is to build relationships with local community animal health workers and the Djiboutian Ministry of Livestock via animal health surveillance and to improve knowledge, skills, livestock medicine, and best practices. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Thomas Grimes)