Race against Cancer: 210th RSG holds memorial walk, run event
FORT BLISS, Texas – Sgt. Kristina Larson (left), noncommissioned officer in charge of the tactical operations center for the 210th Regional Support Group/Mobilization and Deployment Brigade, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, embraces the son of Lt. Col. Angel Vega, deputy commander of the 210th RSG/MaD BDE, after the Race Against Cancer memorial walk and run event here Jan. 12, 2019. This event came into fruition by the combined efforts of 210th RSG Soldiers and Tatitlek civilians, indicative of their solidarity and support for Vega, whose wife passed away from cancer. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Sgt. Christopher A. Hernandez/210th Regional Support Group, Fort Bliss Mobilization and Deployment Brigade – Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security)