Soldiers of the 535th Military Police Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company and 805th MP Company gather around to listen to Maj. Gen. Marion Garcia, commanding general for the 200th Military Police Command, provide information regarding vehicle maintenance. Maj. Gen. Marion Garcia, commanding general for the 200th Military Police Command, and Chief Warrant Officer 5 Steve Combs, senior maintenance advisor for the 200th MP Command, visit the 535th MP Battalion in Cary, North Carolina to conduct a maintenance terrain walk, Mar. 4, 2018. Maintenance terrain walks are a useful tool for commanders to improve the readiness of their leaders and equipment in an informal and conversational setting. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Maj. Valerie Palacios)

Photo by: Maj. Valerie Palacios |  VIRIN: 180304-A-AJ074-149.JPG