Active and Army Reserve commands partner for mobilization readiness
A briefing recipient addresses concerns during an operational mobilization training and assessment brief hosted by the 85th Support Command, at their headquarters outside of Chicago, Mar. 3, 2017. The briefing was to prepare the 85th Support Command’s Army Reserve logistics support and training support battalions, operationally controlled by First Army, that have been identified for upcoming mobilizations in support of First Army’s post mobilization training requirements at Mobilization Force Generation Installations. Throughout the three-day assessment brief, the command staffs prepare the units in terms of readiness, training, equipment and personnel. The briefing highlights the Army Reserve’s contribution within the multi-component partnership shared with First Army. Army Reserve Soldiers have different mechanisms, and funding allocations to name a few contrasts from their active component partners, but Col. Robert Cooley, Deputy Commander, 85th Support Command, explained that the end state is the same – to get trained Soldiers ready to do their mission whether it is CONUS (Continental United States) or OCONUS (Outside Continental United States). The goal for the three-day event is to establish a unified, synchronized deployment readiness plan for the execution of pre-deployment training. (U.S. Army photo by Master Sgt. Anthony L. Taylor/Released)