Army Reserve holds Physical Security workshop in support of readiness effort
Mitch Darknell, U.S. Army Reserve Command Physical Security Inspector, discusses USARC requirements for storing and the security of arms, ammo and explosives (AA&E) to Army Reserve and active component physical security officers during a two-day USARC Physical Security workshop hosted at the 85th Support Command headquarters, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2017. The training workshop certified battalion-level and higher physical security officers and reviewed all requirements to establish a successful PS program. Near 70 Soldiers assigned to 416th Theater Engineer Command, 353rd Civil Affairs Command, 200th Military Police Command, 95th Division, 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), 75th Training Division, 85th Support Command, 88th Regional Support Command, and all of First Army’s active component brigades were in attendance. (U.S Army photo by Mr. Anthony L. Taylor/Released)

Photo by: Mr. Anthony L. Taylor |  VIRIN: 170201-A-KL464-010.JPG