USAR Soldiers Conduct Land Navigation Exercise
Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army Reserve Command Augmentation Unit (UAU) arrive at a landing zone aboard Army Reserve UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters assigned to A Company 1st Battalion, 169th Aviation Regiment to perform a land navigation and orienteering exercise during their Battle Assembly on June 4, 2016, at Fort Bragg, N.C. The training required soldiers to navigate to fixed points using a compass, map and protractor. The mission of the UAU is to augment United States Army Reserve Command staff during exercises, crisis actions, or a presidential selective reserve call-up. Soldiers of the UAU train regularly to provide the most qualified, trained, and prepared Soldiers upon request by Army units. (U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. Kristian Sorensen/released)

Photo by: Lt. Col. Kristian Sorensen |  VIRIN: 060516-A-OC195-531.JPG