CSTX 78-15-02: Chemical Decontamination Training
(from left) U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Benenati, Deputy Commanding General Support, First Army, Brig. Gen. Andrew Bassford, Deputy Commanding General of the 88th Regional Support Command, Brig. Gen. Bruce Hackett, Commanding General of the 78th Training Division, and Command Sgt. Maj. Jay Thomas, Command Sergeant Major of the 78th Training Division, discuss improvements for the Combat Support Training Exercise (CSTX) during Distinguished Visitors (DV) day at Fort McCoy, Wis., June 19, 2015. DV day is facilitated by the 78th Training Division's Joint Visitors Bureau to provide general officers the opportunity to view personnel under their command during Combat Support Training Exercise 78-15-02.

Photo by: Spc. Jermaine Sullivan |  VIRIN: 150619-A-FU473-003.JPG