Tough Mudder - Wisconsin 2014
(Center column) Chaplain Sam Thomas, deputy command chaplain of the 103rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (left), and Capt. Michael Wittkowski, commander of the 646th Regional Support Group, Headquarters, Headquarters Company (right), negotiate an obstacle during the Tough Mudder event held in Plymouth, Wis., Sept. 6. Tough Mudder events are obstacle courses designed to test competitors’ all around strength, stamina, mental grit and camaraderie. “This is all about teamwork, it’s all about a coming together, and hitting the obstacles as a team,” said Thomas. “This is not an individual event, it’s about working together and overcoming the obstacles as a team.”

Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Corey Beal |  VIRIN: 140906-A-VZ068-942.JPG