Army Readiness Specialists (ARS) and Transition Readiness Liaisons (TRL) are geographically dispersed within communities throughout the U.S. to assist Army Reserve Soldiers, Veterans and Family members with employment opportunities.

If you experience difficulties reaching a local POC, please email the main P3 Office

If you cannot reach an Army Readiness Specialist (ARS) or a Transition Readiness Liaison (TRL) for your area at the list below, please email the P3 mailbox at


Army Readiness Specialists (ARS) are located at Army Reserve facilities throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ARS assist Army Reserve Soldiers, Families, and Veterans with employment opportunities, resume writing, and interview techniques. They also support P3's education and wellness initiatives. To locate the ARS for your area, search below.

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StateReadiness SpecialistAddressPhoneEmail
ALABAMAShayla HawkinsGreen Springs USAR Center 1900 Green Springs Highway Birmingham, AL 35205205-226-8520 Ext. 2360
ALASKA, HAWAIICelia EspinosaKalani Reserve Center 1550 Suhiro Road Honolulu, HI 98619808-438-1600 Ext. 3292
ARIZONA, NEVADAKenneth BrittonSGT Silvestre S. Herrera USAR Center 7334 East Ulysses Avenue Mesa, AZ 85212480-988-6146
ARKANSAS, OKLAHOMABart BatmanSand Springs USAR Center 7520 W. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74107719-317-0146
CALIFORNIA - CentralShanna FrappierHolderman Hall USAR Center 1250 Federal Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025310-231-4681
CALIFORNIA - NorthernEli FournierCamp Parks USAR Center Building 650, Davis Avenue Dublin, CA 94568925-875-4810
CALIFORNIA - SouthernReginald StewartOpportunity Rd. Army Reserve Center 7747 Opportunity Road San Diego, CA 92111619-826-4687
COLORADO, NEW MEXICOAllen UptonFitzsimons Army Reserve Center 13137 E. 23rd Avenue Aurora, CO 80045303-365-3178
CONNECTICUT, MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, RHODE ISLAND, VERMONTMalik ShakoorBerry-Rosenblatt USAR Center 700 Quaker Lane South, Office #254 West Hartford, CT 06110910-598-0357
DELAWARE, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK - Fort Totten, PENNSYLVANIAMichelle AddisonFort Dix Armed Forces Reserve Center 5231 S. Scott Plaza Fort Dix, NJ 08640609-562-1365
FLORIDA - Northern, TENNESSEERachel Foster1LT David R. Wilson USAR Center 9500 Armed Forces Reserve Drive Orlando, FL 328271-800-221-9401 Ext. 2329
FLORIDA - SouthernKevin WilliamsLTC Louis E. Martinez USAR Center 13601 S. 176th Street Miami, FL 33177786-573-7882
GEORGIATerance Anderson3rd Medical Command 5015 N. 34th Street Forest Park, GA 30297404-469-5139
IDAHO - Northern, INDIANA, UTAH, WISCONSINWilliam MegninArmed Forces Reserve Center Fairchild 300 E. Eaker Avenue Building 4400 Fairchild AFB, WA 99011317-377-2108
IDAHO - Southern, WYOMINGJoshua HuntStephen A. Douglas USAR Center 1960 E. Pollock Road Building 131 Salt Lake City, UT 84113801-656-3738
ILLINOISKen MarksParkhurst USAR Center 10 S. 100 South Frontage Road Darien, IL 60561630-739-7671
IOWARobert LongDes Moines USAR Center 225 Army Post Road, Building 100 Des Moines, IA 50315515-362-3680
KANSASJamaal AndersonSPC Clifford M. Davis Jr. USAR Center 15303 Andrews Road Belton, MO 64012816-346-2278
KENTUCKYRosemary MillerArmy Reserve Air Command 1160 Brandenburg Station Road Fort Knox, KY 40121502-626-5723
LOUISANAGrady DuBoseJ. Diamond USAR Center 5010 Leroy Johnson Drive New Orleans, LA 70126504-558-5585
MARYLAND, WASHINGTON, D.C.James TharpeCPT John E. Smathers USAR Center 2118 Annapolis Road Fort Meade, MD 20755301-833-6817
MASSACHUSETTSShirley MartinMG Harry Malony USAR Center 11 Saratoga Boulevard Devens, MA 01434910-598-1316
MICHIGANMark Bradshaw1LT Robert L. Poxin USAR Center 26400 W. Eleven Mile Road Southfield, MI 48034248-359-7968
MINNESOTA, NORTH DAKOTARenee Chase372nd USAR Center 506 Roeder Circle Fort Snelling, MN 55111612-467-7644
MISSISSIPPIDwayne WilliamsCamp Shelby USAR Center 1302 Jackson Avenue Camp Shelby, MS 39407601-558-2192
MISSOURIFred LoveJefferson Barracks USAR Center 24 Davis Street St. Louis, MO 63125314-416-3000 Ext. 2759
MONTANA, WASHINGTON - EasternLisa NewmanArmed Forces Reserve Center Fairchild 300 E. Eaker Avenue Building 4400 Fairchild AFB, WA 99011509-247-7918 and 785-250-4332
NEBRASKA, SOUTH DAKOTARobert CollierOmaha USAR Center 9606 N. 204th Street Elkhorn, NE 68022402-779-3944
NEW YORK (Webster)Jamaison PilgreenMakor Holleder USAR Center 515 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580585-670-5367
NORTH CAROLINARandy SilverRaleigh-Durham USAR Center 3677 NC 55 Highway Cary, NC 27519910-598-1866
OHIOTara VanCleef-Matthews83D Division Memorial USAR Center 165 N. Yearling Road Whitehall, OH 43213719-317-1455
OREGON, WASHINGTON - WesternDohn RondeauSSG Coby G. Schwab USAR Center 9700 McCall Road JB Lewis-McChord, WA 98433253-477-3323 or 425-354-2478
PENNSYLVANIA - WesternWhitney KomaniakSGT McGarity Memorial USAR Center 99 Soldier Lane Coraopolis, PA 15108412-604-8316
PUERTO RICOAwilda Marrero-GarciaFort Buchanan USAR Center 1036 Victory Drive Fort Buchanan, PR 00934787-707-2027
SOUTH CAROLINAPhillip GoldsmithFloyd Spence USAR Center 13000 Jackson Boulevard Fort Jackson, SC 29207803-530-1558
TEXAS - EasternJessica IvoryArmed Forces Reserve Center 10949 Aerospace Avenue Houston, TX 77034719-317-2279
TEXAS - NorthernRonald BouldinCOL James R. Stone USAR Center 11280 White Settlement Road Fort Worth, TX 76108817-935-7811
TEXAS - SouthernMauricio JalomoGEN Stilwell Memorial USAR Center 2010 Harry Wurzbach Highway San Antonio, TX 78209210-221-5919
VIRGINIAAlina MoonCOL Scales Memorial USAR Center 9020 Gunston Road Fort Belvoir, VA 22060703-806-5380
WEST VIRGINIAPriscilla Johnson-LloydOhio County Airport USAR Center 525 SGT Joe Nurre Lane Wheeling, WV 26003304-277-3001 Ext. 6553

There are 12 Transition Readiness Liaisons (TRL) located at heavily populated Transitioning Active Duty Installations. TRLs provide readiness assistance to Active Duty Soldiers transitioning to the Reserve component, Reserve component Soldiers transitioning from Active Duty to traditional Reserve status, and Soldiers transitioning out of the military. Once Soldiers are identified by the TRL, the TRL will connect the Soldier with the ARS for their area. To locate the TRL for your area, search below.

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StateReadiness LiaisonsAddressPhoneEmail
Fort Bliss, TXTracy CrockettFort Bliss SFL-TAP Center 503A Pershing Road Fort Bliss, TX 79916915-568-2618
Fort Bragg, NCPatrick BrooksFort Bragg SFL-TAP Center Bldg. 4-2843 Normandy Fort Bragg, NC 28310910-432-9914
Fort Campbell, KYDaisy JohnsonFort Campbell SFL-TAP Center 5661 Screaming Eagle Boulevard Fort Campbell, KY 42223270-798-3816
Fort Carson, COGregory RobinsonFort Carson SFL-TAP Center Bldg. 6237 Mekong Street Fort Carson, CO 80913719-526-9985
Fort Drum, NYElizabeth SheehanFort Drum SFL-TAP Center 10720 Mount Belvedere Fort Drum, NY 13602315-772-9409
Fort Hood, TXLatisha WatsonFort Hood SFL-TAP Center Bldg. 18010 TJ Mills Boulevard Fort Hood, TX 76544254-288-3966
Fort Leonard Wood, MOGregory GreenFort Leonard Wood SFL-TAP Center 140 Replacement Avenue Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 573-596-0131 Ext. 63378
Fort Riley, KSSharone WashingtonFort Riley SFL-TAP Center 212 Custer Avenue Fort Riley, KS 66442785-239-9621
Fort Sill, OKShannon LaughlinFort Sill SFL-TAP Center 4700 Mow Way Road Fort Sill, OK 73503580-442-0469
Fort Stewart, GAAnnie Kate-NatsonFort Stewart SFL-TAP Center 640 William H. Wilson Avenue Fort Stewart, GA 31314912-767-0597
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WAKarl RoneHawk Transition Center 11577 41st Division Drive Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433253-477-4747
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJAlexander ParrisFort Dix SFL-TAP Center 5418 W. Delaware Avenue Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640904-305-9933