143rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
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143d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) HeadquartersOrlando, FL910-771-0355
333d Quartermaster DetachmentFort Bragg, NC910-705-5849
310th Human Resources Sustainment CenterFort Jackson, SC803-751-1358
336th Financial Management Support CenterLake Charles, LA337-439-9000 ext 126
207th Regional Support Group
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Sub UnitUnitLocationPhone
207th RSG207th Regional Support Group HeadquartersFort Jackson, SC910-771-5750
362nd QM BN362nd Quartermaster BattalionWinterville, NC910-771-5736
362nd QM BN216th Transportation DetachmentFort Bragg, NC910-432-8816
362nd QM BN385th Transportation DetachmentFort Bragg, NC910-396-3397
362nd QM BN431st Quartermaster DetachmentWinterville, NC910-771-1408
362nd QM BN565th Transportation DetachmentFort Bragg, NC910-643-2669
362nd QM BN650th Transportation CompanyWilmington, NC910-771-3901
362nd QM BN849th Quartermaster CompanyRocky Mount, NC910-771-5562
362nd QM BN998th Quartermaster CompanyNorth Charleston, SC 
812th TC BN812th Transportation BattalionCharlotte, NC704-227-2820 ext 4321
812th TC BN175th Maintenance CompanyColumbia, SC803-751-5315
812th TC BN414th Transportation CompanyOrangeburg, SC910-771-2127
812th TC BN596th Transportation DetachmentNorth Charleston, SC910-771-5945
812th TC BN846th Transportation CompanySalisbury, NC910-771-2709
812th TC BN941st Transportation CompanyNorth Charleston, SC910-771-5922
812th TC BN991st Transportation CompanySalisbury, NC910-771-2711
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518th Sustainment Brigade
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Sub UnitUnitLocationContact
518th SB518th Sustainment Brigade HeadquartersKnightdale, NC910-771-1087
518th SB518th Special Troops BattalionKnightdale, NC910-771-1152
352nd CSSB352nd Combat Sustainment Support BattalionMacon, GA910-771-0578
352nd CSSB231st Transportation CompanyAthens, GA910-353-4528 ext 4562
352nd CSSB346th Quartermaster CompanyLos Alamitos, CA719-317-5339
352nd CSSB377th Quartermaster CompanyMacon, GA910-771-0592
352nd CSSB421st Quartermaster CompanyFort Valley, GA910-598-1702
352nd CSSB514th Transportation DetachmentStatham, GA910-771-3318
352nd CSSB802nd Ordnance CompanyGainesville, GA910-771-0578
275th CSSB275th Combat Sustainment Support BattalionFort Lee, VA804-765-0902
275th CSSB460th Quartermaster CompanySuffolk, VA910-598-9381
275th CSSB470th Quartermaster CompanuFort Bragg, NC910-908-0683
275th CSSB824th Quartermaster CompanyFort Bragg, NC910-907-2796
275th CSSB861st Quartermaster CompanyNashville, TN615-354-6094
275th CSSB1006th Quartermaster CompanyKnightdale, NC910-771-1123
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641st Regional Support Group
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Sub UnitUnitLocationContact
641st RSG641st Regional Support GroupSaint Petersburg, FL910-771-2184
332nd TC BN332nd Transportation BattalionTampa, FL910-771-1905
332nd TC BN94th Transportation DetachmentPerrine, FL910-771-6875
332nd TC BN451st Quartermaster CompanyCape Cora, FL910-771-7018
332nd TC BN528th Transportation DetachmentPerrine, FL910-771-6875
332nd TC BN558th Transportation DetachmentTampa, FL910-771-1903
332nd TC BN623rd Transportation CompanyWest Palm Beach, FL910-771-7240
332nd TC BN839th Transportation DetachmentPerrine, FL910-771-6875
332nd TC BN873rd Quartermaster CompanyLake Park, FL910-771-7247
257th TC BN257th Transportation BattalionGainesville, FL352-367-3796
257th TC BN146th Transportation DetachmentOrlando, FL910-771-0365
257th TC BN196th Transportation CompanyOrlando, FL910-771-0349
257th TC BN399th Transportation DetachmentGainesville, FL352-367-3815
257th TC BN410th Quartermaster DetachmentJacksonville, FL904-765-4117
257th TC BN442nd Adjutant General CompanyTallahassee, FL 
257th TC BN489th Transportation CompanyJacksonville, FL904-726-6100 ext 4015
257th TC BN520th Transportation DetachmentOrlando, FL910-771-0428
257th TC BN912th Personnel CompanyOrlando, FL910-771-0351
257th TC BN993rd Transportation CompanyPalatka, FL386-329-5477 ext 1
257th TC BN576th Transportation DetachmentPanama City, FL910-771-5223
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642nd Regional Support Group
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Sub UnitUnitLocationContact
642nd RSG642nd Regional Support GroupDecatur, GA910-771-4302
642nd RSG145th Transportation DetachmentAnniston, AL910-771-7792
642nd RSG403rd Transportation DetachmentAnniston, AL910-771-7790
787th CSSB461st Adjutant General CompanyDecatur, GA910-771-4406
787th CSSB803rd Quartermaster CompanyOpelika, AL910-771-0461
787th CSSB939th Transportation CompanyStatham, GA910-771-3313
787th CSSB787th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Dothan, AL910-771-3815
787th CSSB228th Transportation CompanyStatham, GA910-771-3311
787th CSSB282nd Quartermaster CompanyMontgomery, AL334-523-4420
787th CSSB809th Adjutant General CompanyAthens, GA706-353-4544
787th CSSB1015th Maintenance CompanyFort Gillem, GA404-469-7933
828th TC BN828th Transportation BattalionLivingston, AL910-771-4827
828th TC BN206th Transportation CompanyOpelika, AL910-771-0497
828th TC BN287th Transportation CompanyLivingston, AL910-771-7772
828th TC BN319th Transportation CompanyAugusta, GA706-731-8876
828th TC BN441st Transportation CompanyNew Orleans, LA910-771-7185
828th TC BN814th Adjutant General DetachmentStarkville, MS910-771-4827
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