The U.S. Army Reserve is among the final four squads moving on to the last round of the competition in Washington, D.C. The winning squad will be announced at this year's Association of the United States Army conference. The Soldiers representing the U.S. Army Reserve are, from left, Spc. Brady Benedict, Sgt. David Adcock, Staff Sgt. Philip Amick, Staff Sgt. Preston Hough and Sgt. Timothy Brooks. (U.S. Army photo)
Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers and squads from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of "Best Warrior" and "Best Squad" among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt to and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers perform battle drills to showcase their proficiency and readiness to collectively execute tactical ground-assault and asset-seizure operations as part of the "Shoot-House" exercise during the U.S. Army Reserve Command Best Squad Competition. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of “NCO of the Year”, “Soldier of the Year” and “Best Squad” among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt to and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers complete the Zodiac Insertion Course during the Best Squad Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. May 18, 2022. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the bet Soldiers and squads from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of "Best Warrior" and "Best Squad" among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers clear tunnels as part of the U.S. Army Reserve Command's Best Squad Competition. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation travelled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of “NCO of the Year”, “Soldier of the Year” and “Best Squad” among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt to and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers move as a squad through the Combined Arms Collective Training Facility event during the Best Squad Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. May 15, 2022. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers and squads from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of "Best Warrior" and "Best Squad" among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
Army Reserve Soldiers compete as a squad in a sniper tower event during the 2022 Best Squad Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, May 17, 2022. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy to compete in the competition taking place from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers and squads from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of "Best Warrior" and "Best Squad" among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue. (Official U.S. Army Reserve video by Sgt. Elliot Page)
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers showcase their physical readiness and mental fortitude during a 12-mile tactical march, carrying 35lbs in their rucks as part of the U.S. Army Reserve Command Best Squad Competition. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of “NCO of the Year”, “Soldier of the Year” and “Best Squad” among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt to and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
Soldiers competing in the U.S. Army Reserve Best Squad Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin participate in the night time land navigation course on May 15, 2022.
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers compete during the conditioning course and the confidence course of the Best Squad Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. May 15, 2022. Approximately 40 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the bet Soldiers and squads from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of "Best Warrior" and "Best Squad" among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
Approximately 40 U.S. Army Soldiers, from across the United States complete an Army Combat Physical Fitness Test to compete in the 2022 U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Best Squad Competition (BWBSC) from May 14-21, 2022. at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, May 15, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the best Soldiers from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of “NCO of the Year”, “Soldier of the Year” and “Best Squad” among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt to and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue. (U.S Army video by Sgt. Elliott Page)
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers compete during the swimming event of the Best Squad Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. May 15, 2022. Approximately 50 Soldiers from across the nation traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to compete in the 2022 U.S. Best Warrior Best Squad Competition from May 14-21, 2022. The 2022 BWBSC is an annual competition that brings together the bet Soldiers and squads from across the U.S. Army Reserve to earn the title of "Best Warrior" and "Best Squad" among their peers. Competitors are evaluated on their individual and collective ability to adapt and overcome challenging scenarios and battle-focused events that test their technical and tactical abilities under stress and extreme fatigue.
Battle to the Best, 353rd CACOM Best Warrior Competition
Staff Sgt. Loren Keeler, 407th Civil Affairs Battalion, on the M16 range at the 353rd Civil Affairs Command Best Warrior Competition at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, November 2, 2017. Keeler went on to win the title of 353rd CACOM 2017 Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Catherine Lowrey, 88th Regional Support Command Public Affairs Office)

AR-MEDCOM Announces Best Junior Soldier, Best NCO for Best Warrior Competition 2023

AR-MEDCOM announces Best Junior Soldier, Best NC...

Apr. 17, 2023

Four noncommissioned officers and five junior enlisted Soldiers vied for the distinction of "Best NCO" and...
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Army Reserve NCO takes gold at 99th Readiness Division Best Warrior Competition

Army Reserve NCO takes gold at 99th Readiness Di...

Apr. 03, 2023

Sgt. Emily Green of the U.S. Army Reserve's 78th Army Band was named Noncommissioned Officer of the Year for...
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Army Reserve Soldier takes gold at 99th Readiness Division Best Warrior Competition

Army Reserve Soldier takes gold at 99th Readines...

Apr. 03, 2023

Spc. Timothy Murphy of the U.S. Army Reserve's 78th Army Band was named Soldier of the Year for the 99th...
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Army Reserve NCO takes silver at 99th Readiness Division Best Warrior Competition

Army Reserve NCO takes silver at 99th Readiness ...

Apr. 03, 2023

 Sgt. Emily Newsome of the U.S. Army Reserve's 198th Army Band was named runner-up Noncommissioned Officer of...
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Army Reserve Soldier takes silver at 99th Readiness Division Best Warrior Competition

Army Reserve Soldier takes silver at 99th Readin...

Apr. 03, 2023

Spc. Augustus Fadden of the U.S. Army Reserve's 78th Army Band was named runner-up Soldier of the Year for the...
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3-304th's Competition for Best Warrior

3-304th's competition for Best Warrior

Nov. 07, 2022

Four Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 304th Regiment (USMA), 104th Training Division (Leader Training),...
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  • Previous Winners

    NCO of the Year:
    • Sgt. David M. Adcock, 79th Theater Sustainment Command

    Soldier of the Year:
    • Spc. Brady Benedict, 108th Training Command

    Best Squad:
    • Spc. Timothy L. Brooks, 377th TSC
    • Spc. John F. Larkin III, 79th TSC
    • Spc. Joshua T. Rennick, 76th Operational Response Command
    • Sgt. David M. Adcock, 79th TSC
    • Sgt. Preston R. Hough, 377th TSC

    Staff Sgt. Jonathan Chacon, U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. Nicholas Kyne, 416th Theater Engineer Command
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    416th Theater Engineer Command: Staff Sgt. Cutler Holland, Staff Sgt. Lucas Dawson, Spc. Nicholas Kyne, Spc. Hayse Jorgensen, Pfc. Drew Kafleskint.
    U.S. Army Reserve Best Squad

    Staff Sgt. Benjamin Latham

    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. Stanley Thompson
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. Joshua Smith
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. Collin George
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. Chase Craig
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. John Mundey
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Cpl. Carlo Deldonno
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. Kenny Ochoa
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Moeller*
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    *Dept. of the Army NCO of the Year

    Spc. Michael Orozco
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Staff. Sgt. Andrew Fink*
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    *Dept. of the Army NCO of the Year

    Spc. Bryce Parker
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Staff Sgt. Landon Nordby
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year 

    Spc. Keegan Carlson
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. 1st Class Jason Manella*
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    *Dept. of the Army NCO of the Year 

    Spc. Mitchell Fromm
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Rios
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year 

    Spc. Michael Swan
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. Christopher Coucho
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year 

    Spc. Ryan Barger
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. David Ryder
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year 

    Spc. Joshua McDowell
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Staff Sgt. Aaron Butler
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. Shiloh Becher
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. Francisco Gutierrez
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year

    Spc. David Obray*
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

    *Dept. of the Army Soldier of the Year

    Sgt. Edward Chisholm
    U.S. Army Reserve NCO of the Year 

    Spc. Brian Hancock
    U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year