Soldiers in the 81st Readiness DIvision’s HHC and MCSG along with 4th BN Army Reserve Careers Group celebrate the 115th birthday of the Army Reserve by completing a fitness challenge on April 21, 2023. The fitness challenge was put together by the sole Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) team in the Army Reserve, and the 81st RD G3. Maj Gen. Harter, commanding general of the 81st RD, joined the Soldiers in completing two full iterations of: 115-second plank, kettle bell deadlifts, slam ball + rotation and toss, and 115 seconds of squats. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Crystal Harlow)

Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Crystal Harlow |  VIRIN: 230421-A-QZ590-373.JPG