Army Reserve Mentors and Evaluates Cadets at 2016 Sandhurst Competition  
Sgt. Richard Libby, Co. B, 3rd Bn., 304th Inf. Reg. (USMA) 104th Training Div. (LT) (center) instructs United States Military Command (USMA) Cadets on how to properly disassemble their M-4 assault rifles for cleaning prior to the annual Sandhurst Competition held at the United States Military Academy Apr. 8-9, 2016. The Sandhurst Competition is an annual event held at the United States Military Academy (USMA where the cadets of military academies from around the world compete in a variety of Soldier skills in which Non-Commissioned Officers of Companies A and B of the 3rd Bn., 304th Inf. Reg. (USMA) both mentor and evaluate the Cadets on their performance. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Javier Amador) (released)