1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:02,065 Army Reserve soldiers of the medical 2 00:00:02,065 --> 00:00:04,231 readiness and training commands . 73rd 3 00:00:04,231 --> 00:00:06,120 or third medical training support 4 00:00:06,120 --> 00:00:08,319 battalion hosted a team strategies and 5 00:00:08,329 --> 00:00:10,162 tools to enhance performance and 6 00:00:10,162 --> 00:00:13,039 patient safety or steps . Training at 7 00:00:13,050 --> 00:00:15,106 Rochester , Minnesota's world famous 8 00:00:15,106 --> 00:00:17,328 Mayo clinic . Lieutenant Colonel Dexter 9 00:00:17,328 --> 00:00:19,328 Mons , the officer in charge of the 10 00:00:19,328 --> 00:00:21,328 team steps . Training at the clinic 11 00:00:21,328 --> 00:00:23,328 said military medical professionals 12 00:00:23,328 --> 00:00:25,272 from different backgrounds , learn 13 00:00:25,272 --> 00:00:27,549 universal medical procedures and terms 14 00:00:27,559 --> 00:00:29,726 what we saw with the soldiers that the 15 00:00:29,726 --> 00:00:32,029 soldiers placed in a variety of 16 00:00:32,040 --> 00:00:34,750 scenarios . Uh intensive care unit , 17 00:00:34,759 --> 00:00:37,950 laboratory , uh clinical environment 18 00:00:37,959 --> 00:00:41,270 duties that are needed to take care of 19 00:00:41,279 --> 00:00:43,612 all the soldiers in private first class . 20 00:00:43,612 --> 00:00:45,557 Caitlin Franklin said the training 21 00:00:45,557 --> 00:00:47,557 showed her the importance of proper 22 00:00:47,557 --> 00:00:50,270 communication . This training has given 23 00:00:50,279 --> 00:00:53,270 me like more confidence and I feel more 24 00:00:53,279 --> 00:00:56,979 capable and ready to mobilize of my 25 00:00:56,990 --> 00:00:59,157 unit . I am with the field hospital is 26 00:00:59,157 --> 00:01:01,268 to and share this information with my 27 00:01:01,268 --> 00:01:03,434 unit to make my unit better prepared . 28 00:01:03,434 --> 00:01:05,657 What units take away from team steps is 29 00:01:05,657 --> 00:01:07,323 the ability to communicate uh 30 00:01:07,323 --> 00:01:09,101 collegially and be able to work 31 00:01:09,101 --> 00:01:11,268 together more cohesively to reduce the 32 00:01:11,268 --> 00:01:13,434 risk of patient uh medication errors . 33 00:01:13,434 --> 00:01:15,546 While the soldiers work through their 34 00:01:15,546 --> 00:01:17,657 scenario , observer controllers watch 35 00:01:17,657 --> 00:01:19,712 from behind two way mirrors with the 36 00:01:19,712 --> 00:01:21,768 ability to adjust vital signs of the 37 00:01:21,768 --> 00:01:23,601 patient mannequins . I know that 38 00:01:23,601 --> 00:01:25,601 there's someone there . I know that 39 00:01:25,601 --> 00:01:27,768 kind of we're getting feedback on it . 40 00:01:27,768 --> 00:01:29,990 But in the actual training , it doesn't 41 00:01:29,990 --> 00:01:29,930 feel like they're there , it feels like 42 00:01:29,940 --> 00:01:32,169 everything that's in the room is kind 43 00:01:32,180 --> 00:01:35,220 of like going on . But you kind of 44 00:01:35,230 --> 00:01:37,730 don't realize that there's a man behind 45 00:01:37,739 --> 00:01:40,029 there or a woman behind there . Johnson 46 00:01:40,040 --> 00:01:42,440 said the team steps program was heavily 47 00:01:42,449 --> 00:01:44,616 influenced by the lessons learned from 48 00:01:44,616 --> 00:01:46,727 the aviation industry . They realized 49 00:01:46,879 --> 00:01:49,046 um during accident investigations that 50 00:01:49,046 --> 00:01:51,212 many of the many of the accidents that 51 00:01:51,212 --> 00:01:53,323 occurred were actually preventable by 52 00:01:53,323 --> 00:01:55,268 utilizing standardized checklist , 53 00:01:55,268 --> 00:01:57,157 standard operating procedures and 54 00:01:57,157 --> 00:01:59,323 standardized communication . So we all 55 00:01:59,323 --> 00:02:01,268 came from different environments , 56 00:02:01,268 --> 00:02:03,490 different units and it's our first time 57 00:02:03,490 --> 00:02:05,546 working together . Communication was 58 00:02:05,546 --> 00:02:07,712 critical . Essentially the entire time 59 00:02:07,712 --> 00:02:10,046 reporting for the army Reserve sergeant , 60 00:02:10,046 --> 00:02:12,320 first class Neil W mccabe Mayo Clinic , 61 00:02:12,330 --> 00:02:13,520 Rochester Minnesota .