1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:02,309 I am the chief of the Sustainment and 2 00:00:02,319 --> 00:00:05,889 resiliency Division at the Army 3 00:00:05,900 --> 00:00:07,780 Reserve installation management 4 00:00:07,789 --> 00:00:09,699 directorate . And my overall 5 00:00:09,710 --> 00:00:12,689 responsibility is managing different 6 00:00:12,699 --> 00:00:16,040 funding that supports the army in both 7 00:00:16,049 --> 00:00:19,059 installation support and also 8 00:00:19,110 --> 00:00:22,549 installation logistics armor is Army 9 00:00:22,559 --> 00:00:25,034 reserve mission resiliency in 10 00:00:25,045 --> 00:00:28,194 sustainability training . And we formed 11 00:00:28,204 --> 00:00:32,044 armor in 2017 after a year of 12 00:00:32,055 --> 00:00:36,025 planning because we recognized that the 13 00:00:36,034 --> 00:00:38,955 criticality of our infrastructure and 14 00:00:38,965 --> 00:00:41,005 our facilities in the Army Reserve 15 00:00:41,154 --> 00:00:43,784 needing to be both resilient and 16 00:00:43,794 --> 00:00:46,744 sustainable so that we can do the Army 17 00:00:46,755 --> 00:00:49,534 Reserve mission and support our citizen 18 00:00:49,544 --> 00:00:52,375 soldiers , both not only now in the 19 00:00:52,384 --> 00:00:55,490 present , but also that we are ensuring 20 00:00:55,500 --> 00:00:57,689 that we are making the right decisions 21 00:00:57,759 --> 00:01:00,479 to support them into the future . And 22 00:01:00,490 --> 00:01:03,000 that's where that sustainability aspect 23 00:01:03,009 --> 00:01:05,440 comes in is making sure we're able to 24 00:01:05,449 --> 00:01:07,529 do both . As most people know . The 25 00:01:07,540 --> 00:01:11,150 Army Reserve is a very diverse and very 26 00:01:11,160 --> 00:01:14,779 dispersed organization . So we 27 00:01:14,790 --> 00:01:17,169 have five army Reserve funded 28 00:01:17,180 --> 00:01:20,779 installations , we own over 850 29 00:01:20,790 --> 00:01:24,330 reserve centers across the country . So 30 00:01:24,389 --> 00:01:27,180 how do we have standardization in our 31 00:01:27,190 --> 00:01:31,089 processes and our policies and the way 32 00:01:31,099 --> 00:01:33,690 that we do things across the 33 00:01:33,699 --> 00:01:36,330 organization without having this type 34 00:01:36,339 --> 00:01:38,459 of training event in support of the 35 00:01:38,470 --> 00:01:41,139 Army Reserve overall mission where the 36 00:01:41,150 --> 00:01:42,983 money is being spent , where the 37 00:01:42,983 --> 00:01:44,983 building is being built , where the 38 00:01:44,983 --> 00:01:46,983 environment has to be protected and 39 00:01:46,983 --> 00:01:48,761 cleaned . That's where the real 40 00:01:48,761 --> 00:01:50,872 problems of the arm are and those are 41 00:01:50,872 --> 00:01:52,872 the big problems and that's why I'm 42 00:01:52,872 --> 00:01:54,928 here and I've been on that receiving 43 00:01:54,928 --> 00:01:57,150 end , I've been a junior officer . Um , 44 00:01:57,150 --> 00:01:59,317 and I've seen policy come from on high 45 00:01:59,317 --> 00:02:01,428 and you read it and you have to laugh 46 00:02:01,428 --> 00:02:03,094 and you realize it's just not 47 00:02:03,094 --> 00:02:05,317 physically possible to do this . So you 48 00:02:05,317 --> 00:02:07,745 wonder who's writing these things . So 49 00:02:07,915 --> 00:02:09,804 that's , that's why I'm here . So 50 00:02:09,804 --> 00:02:11,205 that's why I want to hear that . Um .