WEBVTT 00:13.040 --> 00:15.430 88th Readiness Division . Command Chief 00:15.430 --> 00:18.000 warrant Officer CW five Daniel EK Off 00:18.010 --> 00:20.170 says the Army Reserve is about 50% of 00:20.170 --> 00:22.281 authorized warrant officer strength . 00:22.281 --> 00:24.337 That means about 800 warrant officer 00:24.337 --> 00:26.392 positions remain unfilled across all 00:26.392 --> 00:28.614 occupational specialties . There should 00:28.614 --> 00:31.320 be nobody more knowledgeable about an 00:31.320 --> 00:33.542 army system than the warrant officer in 00:33.542 --> 00:35.820 your formation . They're a soldier 00:35.820 --> 00:39.660 first , strong , mind , strong in body , 00:39.660 --> 00:42.900 strong in spirit . They're a moral 00:43.240 --> 00:46.970 leader . The warrant 00:46.970 --> 00:49.880 officer is the conductor . Commander of 00:49.890 --> 00:52.540 the bands as a W one . You could be 00:52.540 --> 00:53.651 commander of a band 00:57.540 --> 01:00.990 in my field as an aviator . There's 01:01.000 --> 01:03.111 times that I'm , I have to make split 01:03.111 --> 01:05.280 second decisions in the cockpit and 01:05.290 --> 01:07.740 right at that moment , um I need to 01:07.750 --> 01:09.917 know that I have the authority to make 01:09.917 --> 01:11.861 that decision and I have that as a 01:11.861 --> 01:15.790 warrant officer . Mm hmm mm 01:15.790 --> 01:18.080 hmm . What advice do current warrant 01:18.080 --> 01:20.302 officers wish they knew before applying 01:20.302 --> 01:22.191 to be a warrant officer . My best 01:22.191 --> 01:24.358 advice as a warrant officer is you are 01:24.358 --> 01:26.570 viewed as the subject matter expert . 01:26.580 --> 01:28.858 So if you don't know what you're doing , 01:28.858 --> 01:30.747 look it up until you do know what 01:30.747 --> 01:32.691 you're doing . Alright . My advice 01:32.691 --> 01:34.580 would be to make sure you prepare 01:34.580 --> 01:34.570 mentally and physically prior to 01:34.570 --> 01:36.570 attending warrant officer candidate 01:36.570 --> 01:40.150 school . Mm hmm mm hmm . 01:42.640 --> 01:44.584 If you're interested in becoming a 01:44.584 --> 01:46.807 warrant officer , check the go army dot 01:46.807 --> 01:48.640 com web page and navigate to the 01:48.640 --> 01:50.450 warrant officer application link