Pay App ChecklistReserve Retired pay is NOT AUTOMATIC!

The pay application packet is composed of two forms to be filled out and a number of supporting documents. The checklist to the right will identify all the documents needed to complete the pay application. 

Forms to be filled out:

  • DD 108 (Download as fillable pdf)
  • DD 2656 (Download as fillable pdf)

Supporting documents:

  • DA 5016
  • 20 Year Letter
  • Promotion or reduction orders
  • Transfer to Retired Reserve order
  • Reserve Component Survivor Benefits (DD 2656-5 or DD 1883)
  • Age 60 extension documents if necessary
  • DD 214s
  • Mobilization/deployment orders (if you are early age eligible for pay)

Many of the supporting documents are found in the Soldiers’ records portal:

DD108 graphic 1The first step of completing the pay application is completing the DD 108. This form is very simple to complete. The Soldier will only need to complete blocks 1-8. 

Blocks 9 – 12 is for service before 1 JULY 1949.


You will not need to fill in Blocks 13-15 and 16-17. You will only need to place a simple comment in block 14. The comment in block 14 should read “see attached 5016”. You do not need to transcribe all the dates and points from your DA 5016 onto the DD 108. That is the reason for the comment placed in block 14.

DD108 graphic 2


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