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Video by Sgt. Michael Ito
Counter-IED Training Prepares Engineers
364th Theater Public Affairs Support Element
June 11, 2021 | 1:34
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers from the 702nd Engineer Company participated in counter-improvised-explosive-device training as a part of WAREX 86-21-02 on Fort McCoy, June 11, 2021.

The 702nd is preparing for a forward deployment to CENTCOM in late 2021. WAREX provided an opportunity to both learn and fine-tune basic Soldier skills, as well as receive objective validation on MOS-specific skills like vertical and horizontal construction.

The CIED training lane presented the Soldiers with several scenarios they may possibly encounter during their deployment; from crowds of locals blocking roads, to ambushes involving IEDs, land mines, small-arms fire, indirect fire, and even chemical attacks.


1st Lt. Jessica Covert
Company Commander, 702nd Engineer Company

1st. Sgt. Michael Thomas
Company 1st Sgt., 702nd Engineer Company

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