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Video by Staff Sgt. Rodney Roldan
Soldiers and Civilians Across: A History of the United States Army Reserve
99th Readiness Division
April 22, 2020 | 5:13
Documentary about the history of the United States Army Reserve in celebration of the 112th year anniversary. The Army Reserve of today can trace its roots as a "national" or federal Citizen-Soldier force that goes back more than a century. Over the years, with the crisis of a major war, the federal government mobilized large Citizen-Soldier forces and trained them for combat operations. Today, the Army Reserve has more than 200,000 Soldiers and Civilian employees and 2,000 units spread across 20 time zones. Army Reserve Warrior Citizens have been tested in the crucible of combat, earning their status as full partners in those operations; no longer a supplemental, strategic reserve force but rather an able and operational force upon whom the Nation must routinely call. (U.S. Army Reserve Video by Staff Sgt. Rodney Roldan)

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