Tag: 377th TSC

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers adapt to battle assembly in a COVID Environment
November 3, 2020
Spc. Brian Hartman, a generator mechanic assigned to the 377th Theater Sustainment Command, aims at a target during primary marksmanship instruction in Belle Chasse, Louisiana, October 25, 2020.

Bubbles to the rescue: Army Reserve adapts training and education to COVID-19
October 21, 2020
Lt. Col. Samuel Bates (right), a G-7 officer at the 377th Theater Sustainment Command, discusses training with Master Sgt. Richard Broussard at the headquarters building in Belle Chasse, La., Oct. 20, 2020.

Soldiers lay the groundwork for a bias-free environment with U.S. Army Project Inclusion
October 19, 2020
Maj. Gen. Gregory Mosser, commanding general of the 377th Theater Sustainment Command, introduces the concept of Project Inclusion to the audience at the headquarters building in Belle Chasse, La., Oct. 14, 2020.

The 377th Theater Sustainment Command transitions to new leadership
August 5, 2019
U.S. Army Reserve Command Deputy Commanding General, Maj. Gen. A.C. Roper, passes the 377th Theater Sustainment Command colors to Maj. Gen. Greg Mosser,  during a change of command ceremony at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, Belle Chasse, La.

The 77th Sustainment Brigade Begins Pre-Deployment Training Exercise
May 29, 2019
The 77th Sustainment Brigade Begins Pre-Deployment Training Exercise

U.S. Army Reserve Soldier reflects on how heritage has shaped her service
May 17, 2019
U.S. Army Reserve Soldier reflects on how heritage has shaped her service

Mechanics Spark Multinational Connections
May 13, 2019
Mechanics Spark Multinational Connections

Soldiers with Task Force Fortnite finish Operation Cold Steel III ops at Fort McCoy
May 8, 2019
Soldiers with Task Force Fortnite finish Operation Cold Steel III ops at Fort McCoy

Army Reserve Soldier awarded for life-saving actions during deadly mass shooting
April 19, 2019
Members of the 481st Transportation (Heavy Boat) Company, 3rd Transportation Command (Expeditionary),  stand at attention on Port Hueneme, Calif.

310th HRSC brings proven experience as they prepare to deploy
March 15, 2018
310th HRSC brings proven experience as they prepare to deploy