Western Digital Pro Patria Award
Patrick Morrissey, Senor Technical Writer at Western Digital (far left), Christine Batian, Chief People Officer and Executive Vice President at Western Digital (left), Dr. Liz Dietz, ESGR Area 2 Vice Chair (center), and Joe Boscacci, California State ESGR Committee (right), Richard Stage, California ESGR State Chair (far right) pose for a photo with Chrstine Bastian who was awarded the Seven Seals Award at a Pro Patria award ceremony held at Western Digital in Milpitas, Calif., July 28. The Seven Seals Award is the broadest and most inclusive award given by ESGR and is presented at the discretion of the State Chair or by ESGR senior leadership. The Seven Seals Award is presented in recognition of significant individual or organizational achievement, initiative, or support that promotes and supports the ESGR mission, to include the efforts of the more than 3,600 volunteers who carry out ESGR’s mission across the Nation on a daily basis (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Spc. Kenneth Rodriguez)

Photo by: Spc. Kenneth Rodriguez |  VIRIN: 220729-A-UV755-1003.JPG