Hispanic Heritage and why PVT Villarreal joined the Army Reserve
PFC Roxana J. Villarreal, an Automated Logistical Specialist (92A), with the 3d MC(DS) HHC, currently working as an Admin. Specialist in HHC, while she pursue her B.S. in Nursing degree at Georgia State University. Although I have only been in the military for 17 months, I find the Army and my Hispanic culture share many values, like respect. I see respect as the primary value since I was taught as a child to always respect others. When it comes to the Army, respect is a manner of discipline, It is fundamental to building teams, friendships, relationships and work ethic. I joined the Army Reserve because I wanted to be part of something both bigger than myself and important, but at the same time keep working on my degree. I am proud to be Latina in many ways.

Photo by: Pfc. Roxana Virreal |  VIRIN: 201008-A-AV123-001.JPG