Operation Cold Steel
LTG Charles Luckey, left, Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve, discusses crews engagement techniques with Sgt. 1st Class Cole Weih, exercise Vehicle Crew Evaluator and observer coach/trainer assigned to 1-337th Brigade Support Battalion, 181st Infantry Brigade, First Army, during Operation Cold Steel in his second visit to the exercise at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Mar. 18, 2017. One of the goals of OCS is to produce trained vehicle crew evaluators that return to the operational and functional commands in order to build the basics there and conduct vehicle crew training for future exercises. Operation Cold Steel is the U.S. Army Reserve’s crew-served weapons qualification and validation exercise to ensure that America’s Army Reserve units and Soldiers are trained and ready to deploy on short-notice and bring combat-ready and lethal firepower in support of the Army and joint partners anywhere in the world. 475 crews with an estimated 1,600 Army Reserve Soldiers will certify in M2, M19 and M240 Bravo gunner platforms.
(U.S. Army Reserve photo by Master Sgt. Anthony L. Taylor)
170318-A-KL464-083.JPG Photo By: Master Sgt. Anthony L Taylor

Fort McCoy - LTG Charles Luckey, left, Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve, discusses crews engagement techniques with Sgt. 1st Class Cole Weih, exercise Vehicle Crew Evaluator and observer coach/trainer assigned to 1-337th Brigade Support Battalion, 181st Infantry Brigade, First Army, during Operation Cold Steel in his second visit to the exercise at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Mar. 18, 2017. One of the goals of OCS is to produce trained vehicle crew evaluators that return to the operational and functional commands in order to build the basics there and conduct vehicle crew training for future exercises. Operation Cold Steel is the U.S. Army Reserve’s crew-served weapons qualification and validation exercise to ensure that America’s Army Reserve units and Soldiers are trained and ready to deploy on short-notice and bring combat-ready and lethal firepower in support of the Army and joint partners anywhere in the world. 475 crews with an estimated 1,600 Army Reserve Soldiers will certify in M2, M19 and M240 Bravo gunner platforms. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Master Sgt. Anthony L. Taylor)


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