Brig. Gen. Ural Glanville
Fulton County, Ga. judge, Army Reserve general officer
“All rise,” is a sound that is all too familiar to everyone, whether by television or actually being in a courtroom for any number of reasons.
It’s a sound that has become almost second nature for many courtroom officials and for Brig. Gen. Ural Glanville, Chief Judge of United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals, one that sounds like much responsibility that he gladly accepts.

Lt. Col. Lisa Jaster
First U.S. Army Reserve female Ranger School graduate
When then-Maj. Lisa Jaster walked across Victory Pond at Fort Benning, she secured her role in history as the first female Army Reserve officer to earn the distinctive black-and-gold shoulder tab. However, the engineer and mother of two children is the third female to graduate the grueling combat leadership course, joining the ranks of fellow West Point graduates and active duty officers Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver.
Army Reserve Profile: Lisa Jaster »
Lt. Col. Lisa Jaster continues to lead the way after historic Ranger School accomplishment »

Capt. Deshauna Barber
Miss USA 2016 and Army Reserve officer
On June 5, 2016, then 1st Lt. Deshauna Barber, Army Reserve 988th Quartermaster Detachment commander made history as the first woman serving in the U.S. military to win the Miss USA crown. Barber was among the final top nine contestants in the 2017 Miss Universe Competition, held on January 29, 2017. As Miss USA, she worked directly with soldiers suffering from PTSD and focused on suicide prevention in the Armed Forces.

Capt. Boyd 'The Rainmaker' Melson
Champion boxer and Army Reserve officer
In 2015, Capt. Boyd 'The Rainmaker' Melson became the World Boxing Council U.S. Junior Middleweight champion.
Melson an Army Reserve Officer with the 1st Mobilization Support Group in Fort Totten, New York, a West Point graduate, a four-time U.S. Army champion and a three time NCBA All-American Boxer strives to live the Army Values every day.
Melson started his boxing career at West Point. Then in 2002, he met someone who has inspired him for over a decade to help raise awareness about chronic spinal cord injuries.

1st Lt. Sam Kendricks
U.S. Olympian and Army Reserve officer
Army 2nd Lt. Sam Kendricks won the men's pole vault and secured a spot on the U.S. Olympic team, July 4, at the Olympic track and field trials.

Sgt. 1st Class Andrew Fink
2016 Dept. of the Army NCO of the Year
For the fourth time in nine years, a U.S. Army Reserve Soldier has been named the U.S. Army’s Best Warrior.
Staff Sgt. Andrew Fink, a healthcare specialist with the 409th Area Support Medical Company, 807th Medical Command (Deployment Support), was named the U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer of the Year, Oct. 12, after competing in the week-long Best Warrior competition held at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.

Sgt. 1st Class Jason Manella
2013 Dept. of the Army NCO of the Year
When the Sgt. Maj. of the Army, Raymond Chandler III, announced Sgt. 1st Class Jason Manella, an Army Reserve civil affairs specialist from the 445th Civil Affairs Battalion, as the 2013 Department of the Army Noncommissioned Officer of the Year during the DA Best Warrior Competition here, Manella was frozen and in complete shock.
“I was hoping to come in second or third because I am with such great competitors that I had no confidence that I was beating them in any way. So when they called my name, it was such a surprise that it definitely took a minute to comprehend.”

Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Moeller
2016 Dept. of the Army NCO of the Year
Winners of the Best Warrior competition are: Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Moeller, named NCO of the Year; and Spc. Robert Miller, named Soldier of the Year.
The winners were announced Oct. 3 during the Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Almost immediately following the announcement, the two Soldiers commented on the win and what it means to be a Soldier and a Best Warrior.

Sgt. Ryan Moldovan
2016 Army Reserve Drill Sergeant of the Year
If you were a contestant or coach during the Drill Sergeant of the Year and Best Warrior competitions at Fort Jackson, S.C. this year, you would have heard of Sgt. Ryan C. Moldovan by day two of the backbreaking, five-day event. That’s because he captured everyone’s attention by finishing a grueling 12-mile ruck march, in full combat load, nearly 30 minutes before the second-place finisher.
Spc. David Obray
2008 Dept. of the Army Soldier of the Year
For the first time in the seven-year history of the Department of the Army NCO and Soldier of the Year “Best Warrior” Competition, an Army Reserve Soldier has won top honors.
Spc. David Obray was one of 12 junior enlisted Soldiers representing the major Army commands at the five-day competition held at Fort Lee, Va.