E3B – Expert Infantry, Soldier and Medical Badge  

On the final day Expert Soldier Badge candidates must complete a 12 mile ruck march and at the end of it successfully disassemble, reassemble and do a functions check on their M4 rifles. Soldiers from all three U.S. Army components, reserve, national guard and active, attempting to earn the Expert Soldier Badge must successfully complete various physical and mental tasks such as: an expert physical fitness assessment, day and night land navigation, Soldier tasks including weapons, medical and patrol procedures, and finally a ruck march. Successfully completing these tasks, Soldiers will earn the Expert Soldier Badge.
Expert Soldier Badge candidates are tasked with completing ten patrol lanes, which require candidates to perform patrol tasks such map reading, personnel searching, visual signaling, movement under fire, radio operations and Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) gear. The candidates must successfully complete all ten tasks and only have one no go for the day. Soldiers from all three U.S. Army components, reserve, national guard and active, attempting to earn the Expert Soldier Badge must successfully complete various physical and mental tasks such as: an expert physical fitness assessment, day and night land navigation, Soldier tasks including weapons, medical and patrol procedures, and finally a ruck march. Successfully completing these tasks, Soldiers will earn the Expert Soldier Badge.
Expert Soldier Badge candidates are tasked with completing ten medical lanes, which require candidates to perform medical tasks such as assessing and caring for eye wounds, care under fire, treating head injuries, control bleeding, treating abdominal and spinal cord injuries and treating heat casualties. The candidates must successfully complete all ten tasks and only have one no go for the day. Soldiers from all three U.S. Army components, reserve, national guard and active, attempting to earn the Expert Soldier Badge must successfully complete various physical and mental tasks such as: an expert physical fitness assessment, day and night land navigation, Soldier tasks including weapons, medical and patrol procedures, and finally a ruck march. Successfully completing these tasks, Soldiers will earn the Expert Soldier Badge.
Expert Soldier Badge candidates are tasked with completing ten weapon system lanes, which require candidates to perform weapon related tasks such as load and unload, correct malfunctions, and a functions check. The candidates must successfully complete all ten tasks and only have one no go for the day. Weapon systems shown in this video include: M26 modular accessory shotgun, AT4, M240B machine gun, M17 pistol, M249 squad automatic weapon and M2 machine gun. Soldiers from all three U.S. Army components, reserve, national guard and active, attempting to earn the Expert Soldier Badge must successfully complete various physical and mental tasks such as: an expert physical fitness assessment, day and night land navigation, Soldier tasks including weapons, medical and patrol procedures, and finally a ruck march. Successfully completing these tasks, Soldiers will earn the Expert Soldier Badge.
Expert Soldier Badge candidates start their first day off with the Expert Physical Fitness Assessment in which they must run one mile, followed by 30 hand release pushups, 100 meter sprint, 16 40 lb sandbag lift, 50 meter water can carry, 25 meter high crawl, 25 meter 3-5 second rush and end with another mile. Soldiers have 30 minutes to complete this task. Also in day one, Soldiers perform a day and night land navigation course in which they must find three out of four points in three hours to earn a go. Soldiers from all three U.S. Army components, reserve, national guard and active, attempting to earn the Expert Soldier Badge must successfully complete various physical and mental tasks such as: an expert physical fitness assessment, day and night land navigation, Soldier tasks including weapons, medical and patrol procedures, and finally a ruck march. Successfully completing these tasks, Soldiers will earn the Expert Soldier Badge.

The E3B promotes unity and readiness across the Army Reserve aligning the opportunity for ALL Soldiers the chance to become Experts in their profession and set themselves apart from their peers.


  • 27 April-10 May 2025 (1 week of train up and 1 week of testing)
  • Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
  • Pre-requisites: Passed ACFT and Expert Weapons Qualification within 1 year of testing; Commander's Recommendation Memo
  • What to expect: An Expert Physical Fitness Assessment, Land Navigation, Weapons, Medical, Warrior Tasks and Skills, 12-Mile Road March
  • Open to: All Soldiers, including noncommissioned officers, officers, and warrant officers!

Complete your application now. Email us at: usarcg-357competitiveprograms@army.mil

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